Articles Comments » Vision

Vision is created in order to work in the following areas:

The Jazz Artists

  • To honour the vintage jazz artists and ascertain that their great music never shall be forgotten
  • To document properly the important artistic works they have given us and take good care of them

The Jazz Environment

  • To create a professional meeting place for discussion and appreciation for vintage jazz
  • To highlight and encourage listening to important jazz artists not necessarily well known
  • To inform younger jazz generations of the music shaping their parents and grandparents

The Jazz Consumers

  • To challenge the jazz collector to listen to his records and favourites in a new, critical perspective
  • To make the jazz enthusiast interested in searching for artists and records outside his experience
  • To stimulate exchange of jazz material of common interest

The Jazz Archeology

  • To identify the current body of knowledge with regard to vintage jazz material, supplementing the field of discography
  • To search for hitherto unknown material, test pressings, broadcasts etc., in your own collection (or basement!), or in the vaults of record companies
  • To salvage such “excavated” historical jazz material from oblivion and ensure its existence for all future

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